T15 G4 Karazhan soon new T16 and upgrade bags

T15 G4 Karazhan soon new T16 and upgrade bags

Zdravím všechny, dlouho dobu se tu nic nového nepřidalo, ovšem na discordu řešíme různé věci každý den, nyní je doba zase přidat všechny novinky co jsou dosud dostupné od minulé doby a je toho hodně + začalo se vše psát v angličtině a dělat reklama na eng stránky.

Pracujeme na několika novinkách na serveru, plánujeme achievementy, veci typu rozdělení statu podle lvl atd. Ale hlavně začínáme updatovat náš addon atlasloot a chceme ho přizpůsobit jako guide ingame kde bude srovnáný loot podle obtížnosti q vše co se dá dělat ingame, nebude potřeba chodit neustále na head, ale bude se dát ingame zjistit co vse se dá dělat i když zrovna jste sám a nemáte nikoho do party.

Hello all, long time nothing new here, but on our discord we talk every day about anything players want to know or you can create new ideas for server, in this month we start write all updates and news in english to be more global and soo here is our list of changes last 3 months.

We are working on some news with core like achievements, immersive gameplay,.. and on guide based on atlasloot addon, soon you can find a guide in game sorted by difficulty in game to know what to do when you are on server and don't have someone to party game.


> Changelog: 8.3

> - **New G4 Quest**

 - 35 unlock itemů z různých questových linek

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?quest=90980

 - po odemknutí G4 quest linky je 5 questů který na konci odemkne Repeat Quest na G4 key

- potřeba shard z equator weapony + g4 key a něco málo z KZ


> - **New legendary Weapons**

- Mjölner + Frostmourne

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=83781 - Mjölner

- Frostmourne ve výrobě 😄 čekám co na to dáme - skin lichking sword z wotlku


> **Karazhan**

- Entry Questy: https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=karazhan#quests - zde jsou blizz questy s nějakým reskillem + surkou

- Secret Q linka na ultra bosse: https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=%5BSecret%5D

 - secret linka je napojená na základní entry linku, quest ještě bude v průběhu soboty aktualizovaný a odemknutý.


> **Obtížnost Bossů:**

Servant Quarters - 3 random rare Elitky - prozatím loot off, 😄

Attumen the Huntsman - T15 + Equator

Moroes - T15 HARD 2+Players or Equip/Gems/Enchant

Maiden of Virtue - T15 Heroic

Opera Event - T15 + Equator

The Curator - T15 + Equator

Chess Event - T15 + Equator

Terestian Illhoof - T15 + Equator

Shade of Aran - T15 Heroic

Netherspite - T15 + Equator

Nightbane - Upgrade Legendary, Secret Boss - Endgame Boss HARD

Prince Malchezaar - T15 Heroic


> - **T15**

 - drop z lehčích bossů karazhanu podle listu obtížnosti + quest token + check + token

 - % up statu + vlastní set bonus

> - **T15 Heroic**

 - drop z těžších bossů karazhanu podle listu obtížnosti + quest token + check + token

 - % up statu + vlastní pořádný set bonus

 - npc: https://head.master-wow.eu/?npc=83305

 - npc: https://head.master-wow.eu/?npc=83306


> - **New Weapons Equator**

 - potřeba dissench weapony extermination + další itemy z KZ

 - weapony mají nové skiny které jsem pro nás nechal vytvořit

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?quest=90870 - questy


> **New Prismatic Gems*

  • sockety level 6 pasují do všech slotů
  • https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=evolved+abberation
  • později bude drop z elit s malým %

> **New Ultra Enchants:**

- enchanty které vyžadují předchozí parchment + dávají parchment na spešl new enchanty

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=ultra#items - zde se dají najít Formula: co naučí new enchanty


> **New Special Enchants:**

- enchant na shirt + neck + waist + HP na chest

- double attack na neck, 3% crit dmg na shirt, 5% hp na waist

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=88926 - Double Attack

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=88928 - 3% Crit DMG

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=88927 - 5% HP

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=88932 - 600 000HP

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=88933 - 1 000 000HP


> **New elite+ upgrade itemů**

- elite+ itemy shirt, tabard, 2 bagy

- potřebují karazhan gem + element

- itemy: https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=elite%2B

 - zde se dají proklikat itemy k jejich Questům


> **Trash itemy:**

 - Kopie G3 weapon jako non-sb itemy a vždy 50% drop na jednu z bossů

 - 5% šance na G3 shard z dissenchantu

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=Karazhan - zde se dají najít trash wepky z KZ, bud je možnost diss na G3 shard, nebo darovat ostatním hráčům


> **T3 ring ultra**

- upgrade z lvl 4 T3 ringu

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=%5BUltra%5D

 - melee ringy mají dissench na spell verzi, lze pouze dissench na spell verzi zpět už ne.


> **New Buffy IX**

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=IX 

  - dropy ze všech bossů v KZ, 50% boost předchozího ranku až na armor


> **New Mage Ultra Tank Sword**

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=88934

 - quest pokračuje z předchozího, je potřeba G4 key + předchozí wepka


- zelené stats na itemech ještě ladím, po novém zjištění že 1% ap dává asi tak 2m dps musím dát trochu lásky itemům s matd, jak bude toto hotové, mám připravené


> **- Legendary Weapons Upgrade**

- potom co se doladí G4 během soboty, budou new legendarky s upgradem 🙂

 - kouknout se dá zde: https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=%5B%7CcffADFF2FLegendary%5D


Changelog: 9.3

- nahrány už 4 wepky G4 co mají už zelený stats spelly boosted, další jsou v konzultaci s balancem 😄


> **Pánev Deluxe**

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?quest=90110

- nová, rychlejší verze upgradu pánve na brabmoráky


> **Nové Tituly:**

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?quest=55036 - the Insane

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?quest=55038 - God Slayer

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?quest=55035 - Guardian of Tirisfal

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?quest=55037 - Hero of Argent Down

 - fixed Auchenai Guardian title ID


> **G4 Questy:**

- po unlock části se dostaneme k ukolům pro G4 Repeat Quest

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?quest=87360 - 5 Pre-Questů

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?quest=87354 - Repeatable G4 Quest

- po splnění G4 Pre-Quest [5/5] - obdrží hráč navíc titul: >nick< the Immortal


> **Ultra Secret Boss Quest**

- nightbane boss v karazhanu

- po splnění entry quest serie + secret série se odemkne tento daily Quest: https://head.master-wow.eu/?quest=87353

- Secret Q: https://head.master-wow.eu/?quest=9630


> **T15 Heroic Set bonus**

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?itemset=217


> **Changelog:** 10.3

- upraven Attackpower + Spellpower buff v patchi, rank 1,2 nyní zustane ve spell booku

- Equator + G4 wepky dostali boost všech zelených stats (spelly)

- itemy ve stratholme mají ted jinou barvu pro lepší čitelnost v questu


> **Karazhan Loot Update:**

Karazhan Water - multiloot přidán

Karazhan Earth - multiloot přidán

Karazhan Gem - multiloot přidán

Karazhan Fire - multiloot přidán

Karazhan Wind - multiloot přidán

Bojky u bossů zvednuty: 1 - 100ks na drop


Pokud by se někdo zasekl na odevzdání Questu: https://head.master-wow.eu/?quest=9837

vyřešit problém se dá pomocí prodeje money bagu/resetnutí goldu a relogu. nejspíš je to počtem runeclothu, ten reset goldu aktualizuje množství itemu na charu a jde to odevzdat

 **Mini Changelog:** 11.3

- Uprava hp bossů v KZ o 100m méně + fix malý

  • změna mana cost Chaos boltu rank 2,3,4,5 - 30k, 35k, 40k, 45k (patch dám později aby to bylo vidět i ingame)

> **Mini Changelog:** 14.3

- Karazhan Water, WInd, Fire, Earth upraven loot a přidáno po 5% v nižších bossech

- karazhan gem, přidáno 5% do lootu


  • na testu změna nightbane, fly phase mezi 25-35s z 45 - 55s

> **Mini Changelog:** 14.3

- do naxx bossu přidány Bojky > ty co jsou v teleporteru


**Darkmoon Card: trinkety uprava**

- Darkmoon Card: Madness - stat up

 - Delusional: 30k > +70 000 attack power (Rogue, Hunter, Paladin, Warrior, Druid, Shaman)

 - Dementia: "Down the rabbit hole..." Every 5 seconds either gives you 5% na +10% or -5% na -10% damage/healing. (Druid, Shaman, Priest, Warlock, Mage, Paladin)

 - Kleptomania: 5k > +15 000 agility ( Warrior, Rogue, Paladin, Hunter, Druid)

 - Manic: 750 > +1000 haste (spell, melee and ranged) (All classes except Hunter)

 - Martyr Complex: 2k > +20 000 stamina (All classes)

 - Megalomania: 50k > +200 000 damage/healing (Druid, Shaman, Priest, Warlock, Mage, Paladin)

 - Narcissism: 3k > +15 000 intellect (Druid, Shaman, Priest, Warlock, Mage, Paladin, Hunter)

 - Paranoia: 1.5k > +5000 spell/melee/ranged crit strike rating (All classes except Hunter)

 - Sociopath: 3.5k > +15 000 strength (Paladin, Rogue, Druid, Warrior)

- Darkmoon Card: Vengeance - upraven na 35% z 10% proc

  • Darkmoon Card: Wrath - vytvořeno na testu, druhý spell který se stackuje až na 15x 1% crit dmg z ruzných attacků, prozatím jen na testu

> **Changelog:** 19.3

- upraven název weapon kvůli macru (Equilibrium, Equator, Extermination, G3, G4) nyní název před weaponou a u G3+G4 je to Gangsta 3/4

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?quest=706 - quest s enchantem upraveno npc pro all race, 5% ap, 3%sp dmg

- Perma Buffy jdou nyní použít kdykoliv

- opraven počet ks Karazhan Fire na craft Elementu

- heal off v Karazhanu přidáno trochu více BH - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=88930


- **New Meta Sockety:**

 - Crushed Diamond - 10K AP + 3K stam

 - Crushed Evolved Diamond - 100K AP + 10K Stam

 - Burried Diamond - 20K SP + 3k Stam

 - Burried Evolved Diamond - 200K SP + 10K Stam

 - Excavated Diamond - 5% Critical Damage Increase

 - Excavated Evolved Diamond - 10% Critical Damage Increase

 - Melted Diamond - 5% Health

 - Melted Evolved Diamond - 10% Health

 - odkaz: https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=Evolved+Diamond


- **Attack Power + Spell Power Buff:**

 - Rank 5 8000 SP/4000 AP - 50x Stack, 30s duration

 - Rank 6 32000 SP/16000 AP - 25x Stack, 60s duration

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=Power+Buff+Rank - zde jsou Questy

**Mini Changelog:** 21.3

  • ve shopu na webu místo G2 key je nyní G3 key za 600DP

**Mini Changelog:** 21.3

- upraveny nové meta socky aby nebyly SB po craftu

  • upraveny Questy na buffy lvl 5 a 6, 1 hodina času na splnění Questu

**Solo Play:** 23.3

- uprava https://head.master-wow.eu/?spell=28798 na 500% DMG a 1% speed - bude přidán do ruzných instancí až do T13

  • do setu super backů + necku přidán self heal spell z Ultra backu + přidána potřeba enchantingu na skillu 370 - toto až po restartu

Mini Changelog: 25.3

- Equator + G4 Spell mace up

- uprava all upgrade legendarek, nyní je potřeba test od matd na Test Realmu

- kontrola AP + SP Buffu questů z Lokiho a funkční

  • změna vzhledu spellu chaos bolt mini last rank (nutný update patche nejspíš večer)


Mini Changelog: 26.3

  • uprava cd u stormstrike, nyní je tam global 10s cd mezi všemi ostatnímy Stormstrike co budou new spelly, za 6 min restart

Mini Changelog: 27.3

- Změna global cd u stormstrike, byl společný s cleave a legendarka zvyšovala jeho CD

- uprava všech bossů v KZ, HP redukce

  • přidání do lootu neffa item na splnění Questu na G4 Unlock item

> **Changelog:**

- uprava Hunter Ringu T3 LvL4 a Ultra, změna z Ranged Haste na Haste Rating

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?quest=83810 - Fiery Blaze ench na wepku má nyní svůj repeat quest za 1ks super ore


> **New Enchants:** 29.3

- nové enchanty na itemu, k použití je potřeba 1ks Ultra Ore

- Head:

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=86130

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=86131

- Scope:

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=86132

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=86133

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=86134


> **Buy T10 + T10.5 by PvE:**

- spawn npc je u PvE tokenu vendoru v Ultra Zone

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?npc=83309 T10

 - Je Potřeba PvE Token z BT bossů

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?npc=83310 T10.5

 - Je Potřeba PvE Token z MT Bossů

> **Mini Changelog:** 30.3

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=85194 Naxxramas Levelup Essence > Stack 250x

- uprava velikonočního zajíce na pomalejší cast + pomalejší spawn npc


> **Hunter New Upgrade Quiveru**

- Super + elite Verze Bagu

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=85831 - Super

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=85832 - Elite


> **Changelog:** 1.4

- přidán 50% crit dmg na G4 Tank Mage - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=88934 

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=88914 fixed na polearm

- vytvořen Beast Hunter Set

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?itemset=241

- nightbane snížen dmg spellu rain of Bones z 9m na 7m


> **Solo Berserk:**

- přidán do Blood Furnace + Shattered Halls + Steamvault


> **Warlock Spelly:**

- dodělán zbytek Questů co chyběli

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?npc=4565

- Healing Bolt Rank 2 > Rank 8

 - Healing Bolt Rank 8 Funguje podobně jako Chaos Bolt ale na celou partu

- Blood Bolt Rank 2 > Rank 6


> **Warr Effort Fix**

- mám tu jeden fast fix, quest za 210ks Horde/ali commendation itemů

- spuštěn event na reward těchto itemů + přidán quest tam kde se odevzdávájí

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=88861#reward-of

> **Changelog:** 5.4

- změna odměny v Secret Nightbane Boss

- vytvořena PvE cena pro Snake Item 

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=145715 ve vendorovy večer 🙂

- fix https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=25894 > z 1125 AP na 2250 AP


> **Permanent Buff:**

- vytvořen new item pro buy buffů, nejspíš to bude formou Questu jako je PvE Token

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=88405

- questy a loot přidám v noci po odpolední 🙂


> **Buy T11 by PvE:**

- personal lootboxy přidány do ZF bossů

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=T11+%5Bpersonal


> **Enchant Price:**

- Redukce cen posledních enchantů, pokud hráč bude mít všech 8 Ultra enchů, postačí už jen ultra ore na poslední enchanty

> **Mini Changelog:** 11.4

- New permanent paragon Farma

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?npc=83202#starts - questy

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=88405 - item

> **Changelog:** 23.4

- Changed Price of Arena Idol/Libram/Thrown/Totem 1125 AP > 3125 AP / 1700rat > 1500rat

- Changed requested Items in Stratholme Pre-Quest, all entry keys are on last Quest

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?quest=85133 - Startholme Pre-Quest [4/4]

- created a <#1073190727057670185> from Events, where matd post all his own global raids

- changed MW daily marks rewards from all normal daily Quest

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?object=300201 - wanted BoSS Table

- created a missing Warglaive of Azzinoth Upgrades to G4

- % crit damage increased on G4 mage tank weapon

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=88934 - G4 Mage Tank

- all Secret Quest in stratholme have now [Pre-Secret] flag you can search it in our head by this text, there are some quest that have same name, you obtain a random one of this quest.

- fixed all blizz Quest that give you a G4 Unlock Item

- Created a T11 Lootbox Version obtainable in Zul'Farrak

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=T11+%5BPersonal+Box%5D - T11 Box

- changed recipes for last endgame Enchants

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=88403 - here you see endgame enchants


> **Season 3 Boss:**

- 5 Bosses Matrioshka

- every phase is harder

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=matrioshka#npcs - abilities of bosses you found here

- Daily Quest : https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=Daily+Season+3 all phases have own Quest

- Rewards: Permanent Token, Badge of Justice Pack, Boj, Karazhan Drops, G2 > G4 key, Super + Ultra Ore, Season 3 Bag, Season 3 boss Lootbox

- you can create Season Ultra bag by s1 + s2 + s3 bag, and ultra ore

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?quest=90989 - season Ultra Bag Quest

- New Buff X droped from boss, duration 3 days, death persistant

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=93137 - s3 boss 5 box loot


> **Legendary Weapon Upgrades:**

- you need G4 key + Legendary Weapon + 5x Kz Tear's + 10x Kz Element

 - all legendary upgrades is still testing

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?npc=83308 - npc in ultra zone

> **New Hunter Legendary Pet:**

- Special Pet with one ranged single dmg target, and one aoe damage

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=beast+lege - all parts

- you must spawn it in solo dungeon > Slave Pens, if not, you lost all pieces when Beast Summon Crafted

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=550046 - Beast Legendary Summon

- Token drops from Zul'aman Bosses


> **New Healing Potion:**

- instant heal you hp by values: 500K, 1,5M, 3M, 4,5M, 5,5M, 7M

 - loot from instances/quest rewards be distributed soon

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=Healing+Potion


> **New Bramburak + Rumburak Wrist/waist LvL 4 **

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?npc=83307 - quest are here, in ultra zone

 - you need a some reagents from Karazhan, and ofc LvL3 Brambu/Rumbu - wrist/waist

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=LvL+4 - LvL 4 Brambu/Rumbu


> **New Rogue Spells:**

- rank 4 Trained from npc, need leeching Poison

 - leeching poison is in testing phase, you can learn all 3 spells to rank 3

 - you can obtain only one of this spells


- **Chaos Hemorrhage**

 - works like cleave up to 2 targets, and spawn void zone for 1m30s that deals damage to all inside that circle

- **Better Hemorrhage**

 - works as hemorrhage rank4 + small heal over time scaled by AP

- **Poison Hemorrhage**

 - works as hemorrhage rank 4 + small DoT scaled by AP


**Leeching Poison Def Spell:**

- periodicaly or by attack leech a health from enemy (now in testing)


> **Changelog:** 30.5

- in Ultra Essence craft client don't show one last ingredient, i writed it in recipe text https://head.master-wow.eu/?spell=29356

- Changed Hunter Bow's G3 > G4, increased % ranged dmg to match other classes in DPS

- created a price for G3 key, 15x G2 key in Exchange G2 Vendor

- fixed values in scope enchant for patch

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=88395 new Defensive Spell for <:shaman:1076272247024660570>

- T5 sockets increased amount of shards from loot by 10 - 150 from 1 - 50

- rework healing legendary mace, now have +10% healing, enchanted +20% healing

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?spell=28831 - changed proc from 100% to 10%

- changed prospecting on Ultra Ore, from 1 to 5

- added G4 Unlock 6/35 in to another Horde Quest Line


> New Legendary:

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=Mighty+Bite+and+Roar

- drop from Blood Furnace + Archimonde Simbiont

- enchanted version: https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=83839


- under construction: https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=88938 Frostmourne


> **New Bramburak + Rumburak LvL 4 + Ultra:**

- LvL 4 To Ultra in Chuck npc: https://head.master-wow.eu/?npc=26056

- LvL 3 To LvL 4 in Aran The Legendary: https://head.master-wow.eu/?npc=83307


Changelog: 2.6

- new defensive spell for paladin - inner Consecration

- new pánev na bramboráky with speed 0.3 for testing

- new disenchant of D-2 Darkmoon Card for exchange to another Trinket

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=85816#disenchanting - Dissenchant

- new Weapon Enchant Healing Power only for priest (values 400K BH, 800, 1200, 1600) - https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=Formula%3A+Enchant+Weapon

- Rogue spell Envenom increased damage % from AP 

- changed one spell on set bonus of Ultra shirt where healing from melee attacks, now procs from Ranged abillity too

- you can now have 2 [legendary weapons] (one equiped or 2 in bag's)


> **New Class Spells:**

- when i finish all class new custom spells i will move on to super spells which will have cd 45 - 60s and maybe they will share global cd with some spells from class


> **Paladin:**

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=crusader+strike#quests

- Quest's are found on hyjal lvl 200 npc class trainer

- Healing Crusader Strike

 - Crusader Strike + HoT (1% from sp/ap per rank)

- Multiple Crusader Strike

 - Crusader Cleave (2 - 5 Targets by rank)

- Poison Crusader Strike

 - Crusader Strike + DoT (1% from sp/ap per rank)


> **Shaman:**

- https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=crusader+strike#quests

- Quest's are found on hyjal lvl 200 npc class trainer

- StormAwaken Strike

 - Stormstrike + Chainlightning (increased chain targets by level 3 - 7)

- StormPhantom Strike

 - Stormstrike + Summon Phantom Hound (more duration with rank 20s to 60s)

- StormPoison Strike

 - Stormstrike + DoT (1% from sp/ap per rank)

> **Changelog:** 4.6

- increased threat generation on enchant from 10% to 200%

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?spell=25072

- changed lesser rune warding + greater - increased abosrb value to 200k/400k

 - lesser rune of warding need 1x super ore to craft, greater rune of warding 1x ultra ore

- created new Special: Healing potion heals you in battle with 10s cd for 25%hp have 64 charges or 2d cd and buyed by Zlomeny Kus Kamene, price is discuss in chat


> **New Enchant Mace:**

- healing bonus 200k, 400k, 600k, 800k

- for now only class shaman/priest

- loot from bosses or disenchanted from normal healing weapon enchant


> **New Donate Items:**

- Donate: Weapon Skins Lootbox

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=210014

 - 122 weapon skins added in 3 groups, always 3 skins you obtain when open box

- Donate: Healing Potion

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=210017

 - Heals you in battle with 5s cd for 75% of hp + actual class coef

 - have 128 charges or 10d cd

- prices are talked in chat


> **Legendary Weapons:**

- **New Legendary Sha-Sha-Mjölner:**

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=88963

 - disenchanted from Mjölner/ Enchanted Mjölner

- **New Legendary Touch of Darkness:**

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=88962

 - looted from AQ Bosses

**Changelog:** 8.6

- Sha-Mjölner - now ready to play with it

- Dual Legendary Changed to Class: Warrior, Rogue, Paladin due to being used in a way we didn't create for it.

- our ingame tips are rewrited mostly in EN language

- changed some new class spells quest where AoE dmg spell are faster than not AoE spell like Multiple Crusader vs Poison Crusader

- Donate: Golden Dragon mount - now can be used inside


**Coef of Usable item's: **

- Stormchops 10% SP / 5% AP - https://head.master-wow.eu/?spell=43758

- Dragonbreath Chili 10% SP / 5% AP - https://head.master-wow.eu/?spell=15906

- Flame Cap 9% SP DMG / 2% AP DMG - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=22788

- Worgen 7% SP DMG - https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=23864 or Buffer

- Oil of Immolation 1% SP DMG - https://head.master-wow.eu/?spell=11451

- Fiery Weapon 1% SP DMG / 13% AP DMG (highest AP coef enchant)

- Fiery Blaze https://head.master-wow.eu/?item=5421 3% SP / 5% AP


- due to uncover all of these ingame item's that increase damage for all chars, i changed recipes for craftable items too. if you want add another damage coef auras from item's that you can use and are available ingame just write it in <#1074050385200812144> 


**Shaman Pánev Worgen Play:**

- the alpha and omega of this gameplay is to have fast weapons that you can have.

 - https://head.master-wow.eu/?search=p%C3%A1nev we are working on upgraded version to have 0.9 > 0.3 speed, **under speed 0.1 some damage stop procs**.

- you need activate Stormchops + Dragonbreath Chili + Flame Cap + Torment of the Worgen + Oil of Immolation + Buffer is usefull too

- on weapons use this: 

 - Flametongue 10% SP / 5% AP

 - Frostbrand 15% SP / 5% AP


**some new dungeons:**

- Mana-Tombs Heroic + Auchenai Crypts Heroic

- added HP + DMG + ARMOR + Resistances to bosses for now

- still searching if is there any mobs spawned by boss or hidden dmg spell

- entry is free for now you can try that new challenge


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